The First Ever Multiplatform Digital Textbook on Educational Technology – Updated in 2025

Educational Technology for Teachers is the first ever multiplatform interactive digital textbook on educational technology, designed for undergraduate university classes. It is also a handbook for K-12 teachers who want to learn technology tools, and follow research-based guidelines for learning in the Information Age. Educational Technology for Teachers is an entire class in a book, featuring over 70 Interactive elements, including video, slideshows, visual stories, image tutorials, sample projects and quizzes. This book is an interactive PDF file.

Works on all laptops and tablet computers with a pdf reader, including Mac, Windows and Linux computers and laptops, iPads, Android devices and more. All of the text and graphics in this version work offline, however the interactive elements (video, slideshows and quizzes) are web-based and require an active internet connection. The Adobe Reader is recommended for reading on Mac and Windows computers and Android devices. The Books app is recommended for reading on Apple IOS devices.

Sell Educational Technology for Teachers (ISBN: 978-1-4951-6259-6) in your bookstore with easy-to-use access codes. Use this form to order, or send an email with the details and we’ll ship access codes to you quickly and conveniently. 

Digital Textbook Access Cards

Download this free sample pdf textbook file to experience how it will work on your device. The sample textbook file includes links to some of the interactive elements and videos that are included in the full textbook. Click the button below to see the full table of contents.

Textbook Features

  • Beautiful, graphic-rich design and layout
  • Concisely presents research-based guidelines for effective instruction in the Information Age, including constructivism and student-centered learning, constructionism, higher-order learning, and project-based learning
  • Over 70 updated interactive digital textbook elements including video, slideshows, visual stories, image tutorials, visual examples and quizzes
  • Interactive built-in videos show how to use current K-12 educational technologies for successful learning
  • Chapters: Methods and concepts for the use of technology in education, 21st century skills and ISTE NETS standards, Student-centered learning technologies, Project-based learning with technology, Resource-based learning with technology, Active learning with technology, and Distance learning
  • Represents the future of learning with interactive digital textbooks
  • Multiplatform: Works on any digital platform (PC, laptop, Mac, iPad, smartphone and more).
  • Written by Dr. Gregory Francom, who has researched and implemented project-based and constructionist learning experiences for K-12 and higher education students 

For Professors and Teacher Educators

You teach about interactive digital textbooks, but do you use a digital textbook for your Educational Technology class?

Educational Technology for Teachers is a textbook for basic educational technology university classes for pre-service teachers. It is a whole class built into a book, with over 70 interactive digital textbook elements including video, slideshows, visual stories, image tutorials, visual examples and quizzes. Educational Technology for Teachers focuses on new research and theory for teaching in the Information Age. It presents learning and technology concepts simply and clearly for undergraduate students to understand. There are also five major technology projects included in chapter conclusions that could be used in class to help students apply the concepts learned. Your students can read and interact with this book on almost any device, a PC, a laptop, a Mac, an iPad, a smartphone and more.

For Teachers

You don’t just want to read about technologies, you want to learn how to use them successfully in your classroom!

Educational Technology for Teachers is a handbook for K-12 teachers who want to learn about technological tools and applications and implement them effectively in the classroom. Whether you are currently teaching or are a teacher candidate, this book can help you effectively integrate technology into the teaching and learning experience. Educational Technology for Teachers features the latest technology tools for K-12 learning, and also shares applicable research and learning theory for these tools. It includes interactive built-in videos, slideshows, visual stories, image tutorials, visual examples and quizzes to help you learn and apply concepts. All of these things are presented in a beautiful, graphic-rich design and layout. You can read and interact with this book on almost any device, a PC, a laptop, a Mac, an iPad, a smartphone and more.

2025 Updates (current)

  • Included information in a variety of sections about the use of generative AI tools in education
  • Replaced deprecated software applications, resources and tools to current ones 
  • Included videos for new software tools including Screencastify, VoiceThread, Webex, and Clipchamp
  • Updated videos for software tools such as Google earth, Padlet, Educreations, Screenpal, and Wix
  • Updated interactive whiteboard software sections to feature new tools including Lumio and Explain Everything
  • Included several new videos on Lumio and Explain Everything interactive whiteboard software applications
  • Updated quiz activities with new questions and modern interface
  • Matched content to current ISTE standards
  • Updated project assignments for student ease of use

2022 Updates

  • Updates to discuss and link to the latest technology apps and websites throughout
  • Updated how-to videos for synchronous distance learning systems including Skype, Zoom and Google Meet
  • Refocus of sixth chapter to active learning using classroom response systems (including Kahoot, Quizizz, Plickers, and Nearpod) along with interactive whiteboards
  • Updated project assignments for student ease of use
  • Revised active learning with technology project to allow students to use classroom response or interactive whiteboard activities
  • New formatting and updates of linked slideshows
  • New research reference citations in every chapter

2019 Updates

  • Updates to discuss and link to the latest technology apps and websites
  • New high-quality and up-to-date how-to videos for educational technology tools and resources 
  • Links and discussion of the newly created (2016-17) ISTE standards for students
  • ​New videos and information on ClassFlow and Smart Lab interactive whiteboard software to support 1:1 device student interaction 
  • ​Updated wiki section to focus on modern, media-rich wiki tools
  • New video editing software videos for iMovie on the iPad and Microsoft Photos

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